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Custom Design Uniforms

The range of products we offer is extensive – with over 800 different standard lines available, we’ve made it easy to put together a classic, versatile wardrobe to suit any kind of business.

But did you know that all our products are also customisable? That means you can add custom trims in a wide array of colours, and even custom-coloured buttons – and it makes the possibilities virtually endless.

We don’t hold stock, so everything is made to order. Your staff can select the sizes and styles from your range that suit them best, and everything will then be branded with your selected feature elements and your logo for a uniform that’s uniquely yours.

And remember, we are not just uniform suppliers, we are uniform designers. So for larger projects, you may even want to go a step further and utilise our full customisation service, where we can create new looks tailored specifically for your needs, source new products and styles and even make custom fabrics.
