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What is a Capsule Wardrobe?

While we may be a uniform specialist, we know more than just uniforms. We know corporate fashion. There is a new sartorial term “style uniform” or “uniform style” which is often used interchangeably with signature style.  So, in a sense, just like a uniform – a signature style does remain the same and unchanging in character. But your personal uniform style isn’t about repetitiveness or wearing the same thing over and over. It’s about having a small selection of key classic pieces in your wardrobe you can mix and match with everything.

At The Uniform Edit, we do exactly that when producing a uniform wardrobe for our clients. We thoughtfully create a range of high-quality essentials that are designed to be worn more frequently, and can be cleverly mixed and matched in a way that doesn’t make you look like you’re wearing the same thing every day.

Why a Capsule Wardrobe for Your Company is Best

For those that prefer quality over quantity, creating a capsule wardrobe is the best way forward. So instead of paying a stylist to create an overpriced work capsule wardrobe for you, doesn’t it make sense to have a uniform wardrobe that not only looks great, but will also have the team dressed cohesively while highlighting your brand. Then each individual in the team can have their own capsule wardrobe using the pieces from the uniform selection in their own special way that makes them unique.

When it comes to your corporate closet, a well organised capsule wardrobe for work really is the secret to success. We are the masters of creating work capsule wardrobes, which is essentially your business’s signature style. Read our next blog to see how we can create a corporate uniform (capsule) wardrobe for your team  find out more

corporate uniform
