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Our resident models Audrey and Steve haven’t made an appearance for months. As you can see they haven’t seen the sun in a while. They both jumped at the chance to show off their modeling skills in this bright professional uniform shirt.

Tropical Vibes

They enjoyed working the in-house studio stage with tropical and on-trend vibes. Needless to say, they worked it well. Especially Steve – he loves a good Hawaiian-style shirt!

This uniform style was created for one of Our Tribe DC Apparel, who needed to find a fresh new look for their client. They needed a professional uniform for their key staff that had a bold yet laid back Queensland sophistication.

Custom Fabric Design

They wanted an ultra-unique. The best way to achieve that is to design your own fabric using our specialised custom fabric service. Their design concept was inspired by Queensland’s tropical plants. The fabric is a splendidly bright aqua motif of palm and vine leaves over a crisp white. The bold contrast of the two colours is head-turning and pleasant to look at. To complement the laid-back look, the shirts feature roll-up tab sleeves for the warmer season.


The Look

To complete this sunshine state uniform outfit, they matched the custom fabric uniform shirts with our casually chic custom sateen cotton chino pants, shorts, and skirts. The sand colour helps tone down the boldness of the look and adds some elegance to the finished look. Our models agreed the chino fabrics are the comfiest uniform bottoms to date!

If you’re looking to create your own custom fabric design to rock across your team’s uniform wardrobe, contact us for your free consultation.
