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Most men would be happy with a corporate uniform. It saves them a lot of hassle, money and cuts down their decision-making time. Let’s face it, most men are pretty happy wearing the same uniform style of clothing to work and having limited options would be ideal.  In saying that, these days there are also many men that place high importance on what they wear to work. So when considering a uniform style for men, you would still need to give it as much attention as a women’s uniform. It does still require a different approach to a woman’s but needs to be thought out carefully. By addressing these six uniform components, it is possible to build a uniform style for men that works with your brand and also takes into consideration the requirements of men.

Different Uniform Style Options

A man’s work uniform usually consists of a collared shirt, or polo and trousers. It seems simple right?  But within these products, it’s important to offer different uniform styles for men. A classic pair of suit trousers may not be suitable for all work environments.  A corporate work chino may be a better option for some. Same applies with shirts – having freedom to choose long or short sleeves or even a polo is important.  Don’t assume all men are happy to wear the ‘standard’ style for men.

The Fits

The fit of the garment is equally important as the uniform style.  A pleat-less slim suit trouser will not suit all body shapes.  Sometimes a relaxed chino is advisable. The same applies to shirts and jackets.  Having all uniform items available in slim and relaxed fits will ensure all male staff are comfortable and well looked after.


Whilst it’s important to work within the parameters of a company’s corporate colours, the colour garments chosen for menswear are important.  Dark colours work best for trousers and jackets.  Either black, navy or charcoal.  Men are comfortable in these colours and it means they can create some contrast with the colour of their shirts and ties.  For shirts, it’s important to choose colours that suit most skin tones, such as white, or different shades of blue.  Colours like orange and yellow are not great on most skin tones and are best avoided. These hues are better used as splashes of colour to be featured in the uniform style.


This is probably one of the biggest elements of a uniform style, especially given that some companies will only implement a shirt uniform and allow male staff to buy their own trousers and suits.  Men’s shirts come in different fits – having the option is important.  In addition, allowing men to choose their cuffs – whether regular button cuff or french cuff allowing them to put their own individual spin on their uniform style.


Natural fibres such as cotton (for shirting) and wool (for suiting) work well with a uniform style for men.  Allowing for a slight poly blend for shirt and suits works well too and makes for slightly easier care garments.

Uniform Care

Buy uniforms that are easy to care for. For most people being able to wash their uniform in a washing machine with the rest of their clothes is important.  Dry cleaning your garments each week is not cost effective so try and find trousers that can be machine washed or hand washed.  Whatever you do, provide clear instructions to your team on how to care for their uniform.

The Uniform Edit is a leading supplier of corporate clothing and corporate uniforms for Men’s in Australia.  We provide a wide range of Men’s corporate clothing and corporate uniforms – custom made, and an extensive range of styles. Contact us today for Stylish men Uniform or check out our Men’s Uniform Products

For tips on how to create a stylish uniform for women click here.
